Tuesday, August 22, 2006

El Big Bend

El fantastico! A trip to the southern border to the magnificent 800,000-acre Big Bend National Park in its rainiest (still less than 3 inches) and least visited month. Wouldn't have it any other way - the park's views were astonishing, the all-night lightning storms were nerve-wracking, and services were well above par. (I wasn't expecting water to be provided, and so we were well stocked.)

Me - on the Rio. To see more photos in big format, go to Whitney's flickr, halfway through the west texas shots >>

Monday, August 14, 2006

Be-fro and After

So...I didn't cut my hair for 5 months. It was kind of a bet, but everyone seemed to like the Fro and after awhile I got used to using a handful of shampoo every day. As you can see, it got quite massive, and then as the summer dragged on, it got mucho caliente. (That's spanish for blazing inferno).

Finally, on the night of August 4th, Rebecca so happily (reluctantly) trimmed it back to a comfy, cool #4 on the clippers. Now I use a microscopic amount of shampoo each day and it's plenty.

Ahhh. much nicer. I'l ltry to post a pic of the mohawk I had between Exhibit A and B if I can find one that somebody took.